Thursday, January 15, 2015

Creating an authentic life?

Last year was one of the hardest years our family has worked through. Despite raising little babies and study and re-homing over the course of our little family’s life, 2014 was a big year for us.

In January of last year we bought our first home, a little cottage near the water in a rural coastal town, and as sweet an adventure as that may seem, it was quickly overshadowed by the daunting year that unraveled before us, as both my husband and I worked full time for the first time since we had our babies.

Graduating from university was a bittersweet moment, for the anticipation of endeavoring upon my career as a registered nurse, is was fraught with the notion that I would also have to undertake this year at a full time workload as per the requirement of my ‘new graduate’ position (an unfortunate con of living rural means limited options). The only reprieve from the onslaught of a constantly untidy house, tiredness, tantrums and takeaway meals was the knowing that come February 2015 I would be able to find a more appropriate workload. It was only a year.

2014 saw our family unravel, the grounding was gone and all that mattered was getting through the day; we all suffered as a result. Routine went out the door, as did the quality family time we so enjoyed. Stress was on high and the simplicity of life was no longer present.

We held large discussions again and again, but the footing never quite stilled, and so we continued on relentlessly aiming for this year, we welcomed 2015 with open arms.

One pay off for all the hard work was a double income. For the first time in years we had a disposable income, which most times was spent on the children, either in outings or gifts, if only because we had never the opportunity previously to do so. The problem with this however is that as the year ensued, their little minds became accustomed, and so now as a family we find new issues to deal with; issues of want and expectation.

These are easy fixed however. This year, 2015; will see us return to a basic, simple and authentic state of living, where time is a gift not to be overshadowed by objects. I’m excited to share with you our happenings over the year, a mix of moments and tid bits as we re-craft a simpler more authentic life.

Just over a year ago - before the move, before full time, before the chaos.

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