I jumped on line this morning as i turned on the T.V. I was instantly confronted with an assault of media contention surrounding the very despicable act known as the 'coward punch'.
We are seeing it everywhere, in the papers, on T.V, discussed in our social circles. We are turning to our politicians, demanding them to 'step up' and make change.
But wait...
Hang on...
What about YOU!
What I see when i turn on the T.V. When i read the newspaper, when i jump online. Is a narcissistic generation, raised without accountability. Good job.
We live in a time where it is OK to celebrate the mediocrity. Is OK to let children live at home well into adult hood, because well, you know, times are tough. I am sorry but that it such a cop out! All you are doing is enabling your child's self serving, lazy attitude. Congrats!
I have several friends who enjoy a wander-lustful lifestyle, Financed by their hard work and sacrifices. Mummy and daddy do not finance their lifestyle. These people are mature, giving, considerate members of the community (when they are here to engage in it). They were raised in way that meant, they respect themselves enough to not 'mooch' off their parents hard work. They earned their life, therefore they appreciate it's fruits.
When i look at the violence fueled nights at kings cross, what i see is a bunch of BRATS!
Plain and simple.
A generation of 'children' raised to believe that the world begins and ends with them. That to take a life is nothing. That it's OK to fight and argue, to yell and drink into a stupor. Desecrating public property and spewing profanities into the night. In fact, they believe it's their RIGHT!
You taught them that! Good job.
You taught your child that this, all of this, was Ok. You taught them not to be humble, you taught them not to be accountable or selfless. You said yes when what you should have said was no!
And now you have the audacity to rely on the government to step up where you failed.
What i will thank you for, is the insight and clarity of thought surrounding my parenting style. I will say no to my child. I will take responsibility for them. I will raise them to respect and to give. Most of all i will teach them to step up and be accountable for their actions.
There are brilliant people out there, they are not all bad eggs. Though unfortunately the situation is what it is, on a whole, this generation has been failed in their upbringing and now we are living the results. It must stop here.